Ivf And Acupuncture: All That You Should Know
acupuncturist helps
people with infertility issues resolve them, and induce their reproductive
systems. Acupuncture for a long time has been used to cure a number of issues
that people tend to face. What happens in this treatment? The patient is
treated with small needles which are thin too along specific parts of the body.
The intent is to stimulate the blood flow along these portions.
How does this help with infertility?
For one, it boosts the blood flow along the
different reproductive organs, which enables the organs to perform. Secondly it
balances the various hormones in the body, thus boosting fertility. Finally,
the method is used to relieve stress that most of the people face.
Let’s go step by step to understand IVF and
acupuncture, and does it truly help in removing infertility issues that is prevalent
among the people.
acupuncture helps increase fertility?
While a lot of people believe that acupuncture does
induce fertility, there is no statistics backing this theory as of now. During
a study that was conducted in 2018, the participants underwent actual
acupuncture treatments, along with IVF. The studies were conducted between the
6th and 8th follicle stimulation days. Few others were
treated using the non-invasive needles, which were placed slightly away from
the trigger points.
The test results showed that those who underwent IVF and acupunctureshowed live births of approximately 18.3%
while, the others showed a birth rate of 17.8%. according to the researchers,
while the difference in live birth rates is negligible, it is definitely worth
opting for as a solution.
Why? Well, when it comes to safety, there is no
beating the acupuncture treatment. They are considered to be safe and natural
as against the other treatments prescribed for infertility. The acupuncturists
tend to use sterile and proper equipment to conduct this test. They are
non-toxic and these needles are labelled to be used once.
How to
choose pregnancy acupuncturist?
Here are a few tips that should help you choose the
acupuncturist for your needs
It is
important that you choose someone who is professional and has been practicing
the acupuncture techniques with the right certification. Make sure they perform
this treatment following the ethical standards. They should be trained in the
acupuncture treatment.
professional you are planning to choose for the treatment should have a malpractice
insurance. There are many providers who offer the insurance with the best
possible requirements at affordable prices.
acupuncture practitioner should have a clean room for the treatment. They
should use sterile one-time use needles for the purpose of treating you. make
sure you check the hygiene standards within the rooms before you opt for their
services. They should wash their hands before treating you, and should maintain
clean hands at all times. The room should not have any strewn needles.
practitioner should listen to all your issues carefully, and only after
answering your questions should they make the treatment decision best suited
for you. the treatment procedure and the time taken will completely depend on
your requirements.
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