All You Need To Know About Homeschooling In Alaska

Alaska is known to be one of the most homeschool-friendly states. All you need to decide is to decide under which legal option you will opt to homeschool, choose your homeschool curriculum, and start learning from your home. Now homeschooling curriculum is not only limited to workbooks and other traditional methods. Homeschooling in Alaska incorporates online courses and interactive videos to make learning more engaging and exciting.

Homeschooling options available to you:

There are a couple of routes available for homeschooling in Alaska: you can choose to homeschool independently or homeschooling with a state-approved program or a combination of the two. Independent homeschooling will allow you to select any curriculum, including faith-based options. You don't need to consult a certified teacher or Alaska Education Standards for this. The directory of all the correspondence programs in Alaska lists all the programs available if you opt for a state-recognized home school program. 

The concept of allotment funding:

Enrollment to home schools is free and open to the public. Each child is also provided with an allotment fund. The homeschools pay for your child's core classes; even parents are often reimbursed for expenses related to elective courses. But no allotment fund will be provided for a faith-based curriculum. Each homeschool has its distinct allotment amounts, and no programs are the same.

Homeschooling programs available to you:

With the Alaskan homeschooling community's continuous growth, you will be flooded with multiple homeschooling programs to enroll your child. Following are some homeschool programs Alaska that is available to you:
·          Calvert: It is an extensive homeschool program that merges both traditional textbooks and online learning. You can access online learning from anywhere and at any time. 
·          Oak Meadow: It provides your child independent school experience from kindergarten to class 12. 
·          K12: It includes multiple flexible online courses to help with your homeschooling. 
·          Rainbow Resource Starting Kits: As the name suggests, it is the best option for starter homeschoolers. They are comprehensive and inclusive.
·          Book shark: It provides a complete homeschool program package to meet your child's needs.
·          Trail Guide To Learning: This provides a curriculum for different grades and subjects except for math. 

Why should you choose an Alaskan homeschool?

Homeschool programs Alaska is tailored to fit your child's needs. You will be able to guide your child better by incorporating your values and beliefs. Learning at home will give you access to know about your child's weaknesses, strengths, and interests. You can guide your child in overcoming their weaknesses and grow their desire to learn more. Homeschooling will allow you to guide and motivate your child so that their mental and emotional growth is taken care of. 

Every child processes learning in their way; homeschooling allows them to learn at their respective pace without burdening their lessons. With your constant guidance and comprehensive homeschooling programs, your child will develop a love for learning. With modern tools and technologies, homeschool programs will make your child eager to learn.


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