Things To Know Before Your First Visit For STD Test Singapore


Whether it is for the STD test Singapore or, just a routine checkup, your first visit to the gynecologist can be quite daunting. It is not something you want to opt for or, wish to accept. However, knowing what to expect can change a few things for you, and can make the visit less scary.

·         Once you have reached puberty, it is a good idea to visit the gynecologist. However, if you still don’t wish to, then after you have started an active sex life, it is important to visit the gynecologist. They will be able to guide you through the precautions that can save you a lot of time and effort. In fact, it will also help you manage without any disease throughout your sex life

·         There is always this thought impending in your mind when you think of a visit to the gynecologist. It is whether the visit will be awkward or uncomfortable. Well, the truth is that the visit is neither too awkward nor too daunting. In fact, it can be made into a pleasant and helpful experience if you stay relaxed and share what you wish to with the doctor. STD testing Singapore is an essential part of your first visit, if you doubt there is a chance of you being infected. However, it is always good to get your body checked up regularly, and conduct a routine understanding of your sexual health

·         The most important question that people have regarding their first visit would be if they can get someone along. While a visit to the doctor is a private affair, if you are comfortable opening up in front of the other person, you are most welcome to get someone along. It will also help you talk better and share your details without any fear

·         What are the various tests and examinations that the gynecologist will conduct on the first visit? They want to know a few things about you, which can help them determine if you need STD test Singapore. You need to share how sexually active you are. Apart from this, you will also need to share your age related details along with other aspects, which are related to your sex life. Your doctor would want to examine your genitals before proceeding with the remaining tests. While this may not happen in the first visit most times, they will ask you questions that can help them understand your life and health

·         Pelvic examination along with pap smears is conducted for those beyond the age of 21. This is important for every person as it will help understand abnormalities as well as any illness. Some of the tests may be quite uncomfortable. However, these tests are conducted only when deemed necessary by both the patient and the doctor. In cases where it is just a routine checkup and not related to STD testing Singapore, none of these tests are conducted.

·         The gynecologist will ensure that all the information shared with them is confidential. So, you don’t need to worry about sharing and letting everyone onto it.



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