Why IPL Laser Hair Removal At Home Doesn’t Work?


There are times when IPL laser hair removal at home doesn’t work for a lot of people. You tend to complain that you followed all the tips yet, somehow it did not show the magical results. Here are a few things that could have gone wrong with the whole process. We are going to take you through the issues that you could have possibly faced.

·         One of the most common mistakes is to invest in the wrong kind of device for IPL laser hair removal. You simply purchase the kit without checking if it will work for your skin type or hair colour. Some tools don’t work on coloured hair. They simply remove hair that has natural colour. So, if you have dyed your hair, then possibly these tools will not work for you. if the skin tone is dark, then you need to choose tools that suit the skin. In case of type VI skin tone, you need a machine with lower energy output. If you didn’t know this, you might get a machine that will not help you much.

o   Before purchasing the best IPL laser hair removal at home tool, research a bit into your skin type and tone. It will help you get the machine that suits you best.

o   Check the characteristics of the machine. Each one has a specific type that it caters to. If you are unable to find one suited for your skin, then find it elsewhere.

o   In case you have type V or VI skin, then you need to invest in a machine with elos technology.

·         If you are expecting overnight results with the laser hair removal at home machines, then you need to think again. It is possible that these machines take a longer while to produce the actual results. There are times when removing the hair takes sometime. If you are not patient, then this process is not for you

·         When you choose a new machine, it is important to read through the guidelines. Make sure you understand how to use the machine and what are the operational requirements. however, most of us tend to skim through the manual or just want to get started with using the IPL laser hair removal at home device.. They don’t bother knowing how it works. It is important for you to check out the demo video and also user videos on youtube. It will give you a clearer idea of how the product works, and what you need to do for it to suit your purpose.

·         These devices have a defined treatment plan. It is important to be patient and follow the plan to get the best results. However, in most cases, you tend to get impatient, and don’t really look into the treatment plan. As a result the devices don’t offer the best results. Make sure to stay put at home while going through this treatment plan. For no reason should you plan a vacation or a swim during the course of the treatment. It will take you back to square one.

·         Finally, if you don’t maintain the hair removal then the best IPL laser hair removal at home device will not work for you. it is timportant to go through touch-ups and periodic maintenance for the best results.



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